Discontinued Evenheat Control Manuals
The Set-Pro was a 3-Button digital control based on the Bartlett Instruments Model 3K. Production of the Set-Pro began around June of 2002 and ended Jan 2024. It was replaced by the Icon touchscreen control (Bartlett Spark platform). We produced separate manuals for either ceramic, glass and knife / heat treat as noted below.
This unique automatic control requires a basic understanding that is well covered in this manual. Production of the TnB Series ended in 2007.
Introduced in 1988, the DTC 100C was Evenheat's first digital control. Production of the DTC 100C was ended in 1992.
The Fyrematic is simply a device that increases kiln temperature. If you own a kiln equipped with a Fyrematic and don't have the operators manual, you'll need it. Production of the Fyrematic Series ended in 2007. Fyrematic Series kilns may be indicated by an "A" in the kiln model number, i.e. - 2327-A.
Model DTP-56 - The Perfect Fire (PF) is a single set point temperature control which was in production from 1992 to 1999, primarily on ceramic kiln models.
The Perfect Fire was modified with additional features in 1998. Production ended in 1999. This brief version of the Perfect Fire control is identified by an on/off power switch located directly on the control faceplate. This manual covers the changes that were made.
Models HDTP-56-8 & HDTP-56-55 - The original Rampmaster (RM) was introduced around 1992 and was used until 1999, primarily on glass firing kilns. The original contained 8 segments. An upgraded version containing 55 segments was introduced around 1996. This manual is for both versions.
Perfect Fire / Rampmaster Addendum
For use with HDTP-56-55 - The introduction of the 55 segment Rampmaster required an addendum to the original manual. If you have a 55 segment Rampmaster you'll need this addendum. Production of the Perfect Fire / Rampmaster was ended in 1999.
Rampmaster II (1998 - Fall 2005)
This is the manual for the early version of our currently used Rampmaster II.
This is the manual for the original Dawson Kiln Sitter.